I've been painting with period replicated materials (or as close to it) for the last few years now, not all the time, but certainly for various bits of research or commission work or what not. I generally also try to extend that to other areas of interest; at the moment that happens to be embroidery but the extension applies to most of my crafts and arts at this point. There's often a question of *why* I do this, particularly when I clearly have no aversion to modern materials and in fact get quite a kick out of using many of them (3-D plastic pens? awesome.) The answer to this was never clear to me until recently. Part of it is simply because I *should* as a re-enactor and studier of history and, more recently, as a laurel. But that was never really what got me hooked on period materials, their complexity, the endless variations and books. It didn't hit me really or really gel until recently when the husband and I took a trip to London. On a side trip to Glaston...
Artistic musings, glitter covered writings, and a touch of phoenix fire